Source - Third party image reference

Basic and must known rules to invest in stock market

Source – Third party image reference

Making money in stock market is not easy as it seems. It requires patience and discipline with research and understanding of market.

1. Say no to herd mentality

Don’t blindly follow everybody around is investing. Some investors do the same andthis greed is not at all good.

2. Always go for informed Decisions

Do proper research  before investing in stocks and dont go just by name of company/industry.

3. Invest in Business you understand

Never invest in a stock. Instead, invest in a business you understand. Before investing in a company, you should know what business the company is in.

4. Don’t let emotions rule your judgement

Many investors have been losing money in stock markets due to their inability to control emotions, particularly fear and greed.

This is worst thing to be seen in people during stock investment and it is better to be guided by them.

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